Friday, July 24, 2009

In Action

This is about as much action as you will get out of them at this point, but Steph and I thought it was a cool picture to share.

Nole (L), Graham (R) (Thanks for the photo Aunt Nick)

Everybody is still doing great. The boys gained some weight last night and Steph perfected the double feed. Which makes for our time up in the middle of the night much easier.

We are heading home tomorrow. I am sure we will have more to share then.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hello Cleveland!

Well we have two very healthy baby boys!

Graham Owen (5 lbs 11 oz, 18 in) (Left)
Nole Carter (4 lbs 6 ozs, 17 in) (Right)

The delivery went great and the boys will not have to spend any time in the NICU. Steph delivered by C-Section and it went pretty fast. In fact, dad almost missed the whole thing.

Mom and Dad are hanging there too. Steph is resting, but recovering quickly. Sleep on the other hand is going to be a challenge. It is an endless dance of eat, diaper change, sleep, repeat...

The boys are doing really well. They are eating great and enjoying all of the visitors. They even got to meet their big sister yesterday! More on that to come soon.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today is the Day

Time to get this thing fired up again!


Steph is scheduled for a C-Section at 7:30 tonight at Fairview Hospital. Come on down... should be a good party.

My intent is to keep this thing updated with new pictures, stats and all that good stuff. But given my track record, we will see. Who know maybe these two little guys will give us inspiration.